Going through the drawers
Chloe is very nosy, she is always opening drawers and cupboards, looking for treasure. And then she puts things away. Not always in the right places, but I guess she gets that from mommie.
We are going to have to start weening her. I have given up hope that she will just wake up and say "you know I think I am done with that whole boob thing." Right now she goes the whole day without, but as soon as I get home she is all over me and won't let go. The main problem as I see it now is her absolute refusal to drink cows milk, or formula, or anything that's not apple juice. The second problem is that the sippy cup makes a great toy, and she only occassionally wants to drink from it. I found a bottle with a textured nipple, and she seems to like that better. The challenge will be finding something that she will drink to replace the boob.
She's so adoreable I think it will be hard to say no to her when she is really looking for snuggles and boobs.