
Wednesday, April 02, 2008

thoughts for my youtube post

I have been watching and reading a lot of end of world fiction lately. There seem to be a lot of movies out now, on the big screen and on video about disaster and the end of western culture as we know it.
-28 days and weeks later
-the happening

I guess it all started with Mad Max, but it seems as if there is more and more of it every day. If Hollywood is showing us what we want to see does that mean we want to see the end of the world?

Do we just know that it can't possibly go on like this forever. Eventually we are going to do something to tip the scales.

Does this make it more or less likely that we will change our ways. If we start to accept that the path we are on leads only to death and destruction does that mean that we will only start preparing for the worst without thinking of changing course? Have we as a culture given up hope for the future?

It strikes me that this is very much like art from the dark ages. Its hard to see because there is so much spectacle and ornamentation in everything we do. But really its all the same. Its just a constant stream of despair and resignation.

have you noticed also that most of these movies seem to revolve around the survival of the individual? that there is very little concern for the continuation of the species or the community. No brotherhood of man for us.

My friend who is into new world order conspiracies would probably say its all a big plot to get us prepped for the flying spaghetti monster or what ever it is that is "really" controlling things. I can't really get behind that. it seems like more escapism. if there really is a shadowy cabal of men running the planet they are probably directing the new world order conspiracy sites as well. It might be better to focus on the enemy that we can see (Bush co. only has until november right?) Then to spend our time and energy worrying about the man behind the curtain (if there even is a curtain, the best place to hide is in plain sight)

I believe that popular art and fiction are strong indicators of a societies (cultures... civilizations...) temperature if you will. I am not sure how to go about changing it. The dark age just ended, not suddenly or overnight.... although from our point of view the change is dramatic. It must have come from somewhere, began somehow.

Dr. Bertman told me to tend my own garden. To speak to the multitude and even if only 5 or 6 people in the room are listening and are affected by it at least those people are enhanced. And you have to hope that it will be enough.



Blogger DFW Tubs said...

I like these posts and the pictures.. even more so. You must have put in time & effort researching and the end result is fascinating for us readers. Looking fwd to more such articles.

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