Poor Heathen. I know the feeling of riding on the bus to get to work. Although, I think yours probably gets to your destination a lot faster then mine. Anyway, I hope you can deal with being away from the pod as you work all day.
Yes indeed EP my bus is much faster than anything in Windsor. Indeed this particular bus is considered "slow" with a frequency of once every 10 minutes. the fast buses are once every four minutes.
this bus is a cable car type, so its not speedy once your on it, but it gets me to work in 10 minutes.
I could take the sky train but its a farther walk, and I want to get to and fro as quickly as possible (that and I'm lazy)
Currently a mom which keeps me busy. In a previous life i wanted to get my masters and PHD and teach @ university level. Have been working in an office instead. Post baby I hope to work from home so as to be involved in Chloe's life as much as possible and still be able to afford rent.
I hope you and the wee one survived your first day apart with some sanity intact.
yes she survived quite well actually!
*sobs* I'm not necessary any more
I was a wreck all day long, I called home three times on thursday. I only called once on friday though I think I was being a little bit more rational
Poor Heathen. I know the feeling of riding on the bus to get to work. Although, I think yours probably gets to your destination a lot faster then mine. Anyway, I hope you can deal with being away from the pod as you work all day.
Yes indeed EP my bus is much faster than anything in Windsor. Indeed this particular bus is considered "slow" with a frequency of once every 10 minutes. the fast buses are once every four minutes.
this bus is a cable car type, so its not speedy once your on it, but it gets me to work in 10 minutes.
I could take the sky train but its a farther walk, and I want to get to and fro as quickly as possible (that and I'm lazy)
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