Cutest thing ever!
Chloe's all time favourite thing is when her daddy makes monster noises and pretends to chomp on her belly. I can do this but I am not nearly as good at it, in terms of sheer baby giggle factor. I'll do when daddy is not around though.
Today she was sitting in bed with me and she leaned over and started gumming at my stomach. And I sort of thought it was slightly confused attempt to nurse. But then she turned her head and looked at me all expectant like. I understood way too late to giggle about it that she was trying to do the same thing that she loves so much to me. So tonight we were all sitting in bed just chillaxing and she did it to her dad. He thought she was just teething on him but I told him that she had done it this morning to me, so he giggled, and she giggled and that started a chain reaction and pretty soon we were all giggling.
Good times were had by all.
By the way Chloe is totally Zen

Cutest chubby baby picture ever....
You really are very much cutest!
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