More than one at a time? Impossible!

Toad put up a list of her reading, so I figured I had better show off my current list.
Bad Blood is the biography of a young girl growing up in post war Britain in a small town. I am reading it for the afternoon book club at the main library. I am only 50 pages in but so far its very interesting.
I am trying to have a mommy/daddy book club with the babies from parent and baby drop in. We picked a bunch of books from the list and the first one I found on the shelf was Motorcycle diaries. I haven't cracked it yet, but I will soon.
I guess pretty soon I will have to start making baby food. So I borrowed this book on natural baby foods. All in all its pretty self explanatory but its always good to read up!
Looking back at the pictures of Chloe with the cold I feel miserable. She is much better now, but Mister is home sick today, so this could be the beginning of a never ending cold cycle. Oh joy!
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