Oh you pretty things...
Don't you know that your driving your Mamas and Papas insane! (David Bowie)
I've had this lyric floating round and round in my head for the last couple days. Ever since Chloe had her cold our sleep pattern has been completely FUBAR'ed. She has been waking up two or three times during the night, and staying awake for a half hour. For a couple days right after the cold was over I thought we were going to go back to normal, but she seems to have started teething and or her six month growth spurt.
Most non-parents I know put everything down to teething. I am not sure if she is actually starting to get teeth or if she is just in a strange development phase. She is chewing on just about everything, which is actually pretty typical, but she is making a lot of noise while she is chewing. She has started taking out her frustrations on my nipples, both with her gums and with her fingernails. I can't seem to keep her nails trimmed enough to prevent damage to myself and her face.
She is 24 weeks and 2 days old today. So she is technically six months old, but for some reason all the developmental stuff is measured in calendar months instead of in "actual" age.
We need to get a high chair ASAP, so that we can start feeding her solid foods. In one sense I am scared witless of introducing solids, and in another I can't wait for Mister to be able to help with feedings. I am desperate for a nap!
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