Occasionally I have time to read

The Georgia Straight had a review of this book before Chloe was born, so I decided to borrow it from the library. They only had one copy and there were several other holds on it, so I finally got a copy at the end of February. It seems as though the library has gotten a second copy, but there are still 7 requests for it.
I must say though it was well worth the wait. The library has it listed as fantasy, with themes of psychological loss and Mexican folklore. I'm not sure that it should be listed as fantasy, it certainly does not have any dragons or witches; just mechanical tortoises and a Baby Nostradamus. And the planet Saturn as peeping tom/narrator/lovelorn mope. I was reminded of Kurt Vonnegut because the author becomes part of the story, he is involved not merely on the level of narrator. Saturn is directing the fate of the players in the book. Its not really fair to call them characters, because they are people to themselves, they struggle for their own fate. But Saturn is always watching. The other characters are aware of him and interact with him, indeed they wage a war against him, make love to him and call him a bastard. Not necessarily in that order or even by the same person.
I enjoyed it very much, I am not sure if I "got" it completely. Sometimes when you read something you can feel that their might be something beneath the surface of the story, some deeper truth. However, I think that if you enjoy the book, if you read it and it touches you to laugh or cry then that is often enough. If there is a deeper truth it might not be as important to find it as it is to enjoy the book.
So if you come across a copy of this book I recommend you pick it up and read it, if your library has it I recommend you borrow it, even if you have to wait in line I promise you won't be disappointed.
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