Saying goodbye to some dear friends

I haven't written about this because I haven't been really sure how I felt about it. A couple weeks ago our cat Achilles passed away. He was approximately 15 years old, so he definitely had a good run of it. His kidneys failed, which is a problem with older cats. He had been having some problems with hair balls, but by the time I figured out something was wrong it was too late.
This has actually been suprizingly difficult on Edward. He came from a no kill pet shelter/crazy cat lady house, and only lived with me for about six months before we got another cat. Since Achilles passed on he has been sleeping a lot, and hiding in boxes and drawers. He was fairly obviously depressed, and lonely. With the baby I can't give him the kind of attention that he was seeking, and Mister is hardly ever home.
Also because of the baby it did not make sense to get another cat to keep Ed company. I can just picture Chloe's first crawling adventure into the litter box.

I'm not sure if it was the right decision, but I have sent Ed to live with Dru. He is a good friend of ours. I am sure that I will miss Ed, but Dru has another cat. Hopefully they will get along alright and Ed will be happier. Hopefully Mister will be happier as well without the cats his allergies will hopefully improve.
Dru is going to call tonight and let me know how the drive up to his place went. As well as initial reactions from Tessa (their girl cat). I hope Ed plays nicely as Tessa still has her front claws!
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