That is just mean
I am totally addicted to Battlestar Galatica. It is my friend Leigh Anne's fault. In any case I have watched the first season on DVD from the local video store, I have also watched the first ten episodes of the second season. That is all the video store has, apparently the whole of season two comes out on DVD in April. I realize that April is only two weeks away, but I am already suffering from withdrawal. I want to see what happens next. Being the law-abiding young lady that I am I went to the istore in the hopes of spending $1.99 per episode to feed my addiction. This is not however to be, as the Canadian istore does not provide t.v. shows. I cannot even download the free content without an American credit card billing address. I believe this is unfair... Why should the Americans get to watch a show that was filmed in my city? Its most likely for the best, I shouldn't spend money on this sort of thing anyway.
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