Its about that time again

My Mom and sister are supposed to arrive today, and I am just waiting for them to get here. I am so excited to see them, but also to have the company and help. Chloe has been so active lately its hard to hold onto her for any length of time. She's always trying to get away from me. But if I put her down for too long all she wants is for me to hold her. The level of excitement that she shows whenever Mister comes home is extraordinary.
Mom is going to be blown away by how different she is. When they were here last time all Chloe did was sleep, now I can't get her to hold still to feed her. If I hold onto her arm she starts kicking her legs. Its going to be awesome when she starts walking and getting into trouble! I can hardly wait.
Your kid most definitely has your face. Will email with new address eventually, but my phone # is still the same. After four moves nonetheless.
Oh ! I hadn't realised you had a blog :)
(I followed the link from your flickr profile)
It is so nice to read more about what goes around the photos :)
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