
Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Home decorating

Last night I could not sleep. I think this is due in part to the fact that I hate the colour of my bedroom walls. They are this terrifically ugly gray (Rick says they are green, but they are sort of the colour of rocks or cement.) Anyway its depressing. When I first moved into this apartment I was living in the smallest room, since then we have lived in every other bedroom in the house. But my first room I painted orange after I moved in because the small room plus the grey mad me seriously suicidal.

The problem is that when we moved into the "quiet" bedroom we never painted the walls. So even though this room is bigger and has better light its still depressing. So last night I stayed awake thinking about what would make me happy in my room. I came to the conclusion that I would like to paint 3 of the walls white, and do the fourth in an accent colour. Probably something that goes with our sheets and drapes, which are a golden rod colour. I don't think that one wall in bright yellow will be too overwhelming because the duvet is white.

The question is: Are accent walls cheezy or cool?

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Baby Bokeh

19500004-edit.jpg, originally uploaded by Exployment Now.

Rick took film pictures of the baby. This one is one of my favourites from the set. She is getting so big, its hard to remember sometimes that she is not a grown-up baby. She talks all day long and its easy to get in to a conversation with her.

Going back to work on Thursday is going to be so hard. I'm going to miss her so much! I was thinking about making a brag book for my grandmother, but instead I think I will make one for me, and take it to work with me.

A spoonful of sugar

chloe, originally uploaded by dutchyjane.

Well the ear infection is over, which is a complete blessing! The anti-biotics were nearly impossible to get into her. There was much fussing and fretting, lots of throwing her head around and I think more pink goo ended up on me than in her. Anyway she is feeling much better now but still not sleeping through the night.

I get to go back to work on Thursday, so this should be fun... stay tuned for further updates

Friday, May 26, 2006

If you read this you will giggle

I do not live in San Francisco, although it is one of my all time favourite American cities, the chances of me living there are very slim. That said I Love San Fran. I stumbled across Mark Momford and his column some time ago, back in the day when he was still sending out a daily collection of beautiful random thoughts.

Today's colum had me choking on my apple and crying tears of laughter. Please read it and I hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Enter The Dragon

At baby group on Tuesday I was bragging about Chloe's lack of teeth. It appears that I spoke too soon, Tuesday night when Chloe was chewing on my fingers I felt something sharp in her mouth. She won't let me look in her mouth, but from the feel of it she has one tooth coming through on the bottom. Already this morning her nursing feels rougher but she isn't really biting just rubbing the tooth against my nipple.... Not comfortable at all!

Also she officially has an ear infection. I took her to the clinic and the doctor said she has an ear infection on the right side. So Yahoo for anti-biotics!

end transmission

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Hydrant in Mono

Hydrant in Mono, originally uploaded by nm63uk.

This is a bit of a test, I am trying to see if Flickr blog this button works on my blog, and also to point blog readers to this awesome cut out my Flickr friend did for me of one of my boring photos. To make it very snazzy!

Me must learn how to use Mister's computer so that I can use photoshop!

Friday, May 19, 2006

The next greatest thing

Chloe does not like it when I put her down on the change mat (on the floor) and then go to the bathroom to get a wet wipe. She has started protesting this by rolling over onto her tummy. But she does not like being on her tummy so she screams louder. This most likely makes sense to her, but to me its just funny

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Its about that time again

My Mom and sister are supposed to arrive today, and I am just waiting for them to get here. I am so excited to see them, but also to have the company and help. Chloe has been so active lately its hard to hold onto her for any length of time. She's always trying to get away from me. But if I put her down for too long all she wants is for me to hold her. The level of excitement that she shows whenever Mister comes home is extraordinary.

Mom is going to be blown away by how different she is. When they were here last time all Chloe did was sleep, now I can't get her to hold still to feed her. If I hold onto her arm she starts kicking her legs. Its going to be awesome when she starts walking and getting into trouble! I can hardly wait.