
Sunday, June 25, 2006

Time flies

We just got back from our friend Milo's first birthday party. Which was exciting and scary at the same time. Chloe was the youngest one there, so I still felt like a baby. But she is only 4 months behind these guys. And they are walking, have mouths full of teeth and are gigantic. I remember when Milo was just a tiny little thing.

It was also sad because most of the moms are either back at work or going to go back to work really soon. Which means that it will be harder for us to get together. Its so odd to go from seeing these women every day to having to schedule time with them on weekends.

Its also sad that our culture goes from having babies spend all their time with a parent to spending only evenings and weekends with their families.

I really hope that we can afford to have Rick stay home until monkey starts school

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

The big chop

I finally gave in (or gave up depending on how you look at it) and chopped off all my hair

this is what 18 inches cut looks like

Its all bagged up and ready to go to the cancer foundation for the wig program. I just need some money for postage. If ever I looked like Annie's sister I think now would be the time!

I am really liking it, its so much easier to wash and brush now. The only down side is its a bit too short for a pony tail and its just about the right length for Chloe to grab hold of and yank on. So I have to just keep her distracted and out of range. Not easy with an eight month old.

Work is going well. I am getting used to getting up in the morning. But everyday is different with Chloe. Some mornings she is sleeping when I leave, other mornings she has been awake and unhappy to see me go. This morning she waved goodbye (sorta) from the door as I was leaving. Which was nice and heartbreaking at the same time.

I'm drinking way too much coffee to make it through the day though and my stomach is disagreeing with this strategy. I definitely need more sleep! The whole thing is kinda strange. I get home around 4 pm and there is still a lot of time to hang around with Chloe and just Be before its time for her to go to bed. But I have been working an eight hour day and I want to go to sleep. Hopefully this weekend will be a bit better sleep wise than last weekend (I don't want to talk about it) and we will get into a bit of a better schedule.

Its all about adjustment

Well I am going to go to bed and try to take a nap with Chloe for a half hour hopefully that will help with the sleep deprivation thing!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Sleep Deprivation.... The continuing saga

Two nights ago Chloe was up about five times, she had been very fidgety in her sleep and was startling herself awake. Rick sat up with her for awhile, but eventually had to bring her to bed to put her next to me. I can't sleep through her crying, so I was up a lot too. Basically no body got any sleep.

Last night Chloe took a nap around 8:30pm and she slept until about 9:30. I fed her again and then put her down in the crib and went to bed. At about 2:30 I realized that my hip was hurting because I was laying on it funny so that I could nurse Chloe. I had no idea how she got there but wasn't really worried about it, I just wanted to shift so I could be more comfortable. Five thirty rolled around and it was time to get up. Rick was already awake (and had made coffee that's why I love him.) I asked him how Chloe got into bed with us, and he said "I'm a bit fuzzy on the details, didn't she come to bed with us?"

Nope, when we went to bed she was in the crib. Neither one of us remembers getting up to get her out of the crib. The side of the crib was up and her blanket was still in the crib. While Chloe is capable of pulling herself up she has shown no crawling abilites yet, so I don't think she managed the great crib escape.

Well I had a pretty good nights sleep anyway, I feel much better today than yesterday!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

first day back

first day back, originally uploaded by mrs. tiggy-winkle.

I took the bus this morning to go to work. Not unusual, but I haven't been to work in eight months. So it was a bit of an adventure.

I have to go to bed now, because I have to be at work for 7 am tomorrow *sigh*