I'm back from outer space
Well the computer is back from the shop now. And purring like a kitten. Now all that remains is rebuilding the bookmarks. Basically everything is gone! Most of my major sites I will be able to find again. But the internet is vast and ever-changing!
Other than computer trouble things are good here. Chloe is a walking maniac. Although we seem to have bypassed crawling entirely. She is also at a stage where she wants to feed herself. m m m mnmmmmmmmm mhuu and type all the time. (see previous) She's getting an unfair amount of blame for the laptop crashing last time. But her keyboard obsession is really getting out of control.
Birthday party is planned for next weekend. I guess at some point I will have to order a cake! I totally don't know what kind to get. Having never planned a first birthday party before! Luckily we have attended a couple over the last couple months, and I think I have some good ideas.
Now, I am off to try and rediscover the internet