
Friday, December 28, 2007

okay its been awhile

yup i'm still alive and kicking. not that anyone reads this but still.

I had a convo with some parent friends the other day about online presence and decisions made in that regard. I haven't been taking pictures since my camera broke and I have been face booking too much to really want to do anything else. Its so weird to me that a video that i posted last year of chloe reading a book and then grabbing the camera from the floor is nearing 100,000 views and no one seems to think its funny. I am not really sure that i expected people to think it was funny I just put it up so that my mom could watch chloe do stuff.

someone commented on one of mister's photos of the monkey and i went through the comment-ors photos. It was mostly computer graphics with some 9/11 images and random shots from a vacation. this is not a person that we know but its someone who is watching my child grow up.

I don't know why it bothers me but it does. Especially the negative comments directed at videos of my kid.

I haven't been reading other peoples blogs as a thing to do though so i guess i am just out of the loop.

I just want more real time face to face human interaction than i am getting right now and its bizarre to have all these strangers peeking at my life
